
User wants to change their gender in edit profile page

Test Scenario

The scenario gets converted into test scenario in Gherkin syntax.

The scenario gets converted into test scenario in Gherkin syntax.

Test Steps

The keyword in Gherkin syntax then gets breakdown into smaller steps.




Test Page

The keyword in the test steps then gets translated into keywords that can perform actions in the browser using built-in, selenium, or custom-made keywords.

In "Open edit profile page," the actions are visiting the URL for editing the profile and checking the visibility of an element.

In "Open edit profile page," the actions are visiting the URL for editing the profile and checking the visibility of an element.

Actions in "Select gender" are scrolling into the save button (the gender radio button near the bottom of the page), checking which gender is selected, and then choosing the other gender.

Actions in "Select gender" are scrolling into the save button (the gender radio button near the bottom of the page), checking which gender is selected, and then choosing the other gender.

Action in “Click save” are scrolling into save button element, clicking it, checking the pop-up modal, and then checking the visibility of success alert.

Action in “Click save” are scrolling into save button element, clicking it, checking the pop-up modal, and then checking the visibility of success alert.

Actions in "Assert gender is changed" are to reload or refresh the page, then check if the radio button selected is the same as the previously clicked.

Actions in "Assert gender is changed" are to reload or refresh the page, then check if the radio button selected is the same as the previously clicked.